Friday, September 26, 2008

peer review

Google docs seems like a great idea at first. The charming video gave the illusion that this is a simple tool that is very user friendly. I didn't like using it though. I prefer giving out a hard copy and getting back handwritten, personal feedback. When I logged in to check what revisions my peers had done, I couldn't see the changes. Google docs said it had been edited, but there were no indications of any editing. I refreshed over and over, only to realize that maybe my peer reviewers had only looked at it and not reviewed yet. Google docs should specify what has actually been done. Like give you a chronological list from the beginning of the document to the end of what has been done so its not like a treasure hunt looking for the barely visible "highlighted" comments. When I began editing, I was frustrated because all of the comments I wanted to make were already made by the other girl editing the paper.

Monday, September 22, 2008


"Invent Your Own Writing Technology"

After work one day I went on a mission. I had spent the last eight and a half hours asking my colleagues what I could write on in the store. After explaining the project to everyone the brainstorming began. Everyone had suggestions. My favorite was pig blood, (we have a butcher shop in the store) but that violated the no bodily fluids rule. Then as I was making up some kabobs I got my inspiration, vegetable peels. So I walked around the produce department scratching the fruits and vegetables until I found what I was looking for. Durability, flexibility, writeability (I just made that word up), asparagus.

So I went home and found a sharp rock and got to carving.

Monday, September 8, 2008


In my opinion, one's writing style is a combination of their education level, personality, and sense of humor all wrapped into one title (style). It is the way you express your thoughts, and wish to be perceived. It is a hard concept to describe, but I think that one's style is how they sound, or come across to their readers. I think I have a very personal style. I like my writing to be as expressive as my verbal language.

Style is supposed to be natural. I hate when people go out of their way to try to sound intelligent in their writing. As an undergrad, I have spent quite a few peer review sessions choking back laughter. It's obvious when someone has used the thesaurus tool a few too many times. The writer's adjectives are amazing, but inappropriate in the context. I have found that it is better to type what you think and know. When you fake it, you lose style and it is clear to everyone who is reading your work.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


This is a test. I used in high school with all of my girlfriends. What started as a fun website turned into a hub of drama and catty girl fights. Ever since, I'm skeptical of blogging. Seeing as this is a college course and none of my high school posse is here, maybe this will be my blogging fresh start.