Monday, September 8, 2008


In my opinion, one's writing style is a combination of their education level, personality, and sense of humor all wrapped into one title (style). It is the way you express your thoughts, and wish to be perceived. It is a hard concept to describe, but I think that one's style is how they sound, or come across to their readers. I think I have a very personal style. I like my writing to be as expressive as my verbal language.

Style is supposed to be natural. I hate when people go out of their way to try to sound intelligent in their writing. As an undergrad, I have spent quite a few peer review sessions choking back laughter. It's obvious when someone has used the thesaurus tool a few too many times. The writer's adjectives are amazing, but inappropriate in the context. I have found that it is better to type what you think and know. When you fake it, you lose style and it is clear to everyone who is reading your work.

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