Thursday, October 2, 2008

Elementary Style

While reading The Elements of Style I found several elements informative. I was either highly intrigued or irritated by the elements. The first useful element I found was element number eight, use a dash to set off an abrupt break or interruption and to announce a long appositive or summary. Before reading this I had no idea how to use a hyphen. I would like to show you my hyphen skills, now that I know how to properly use them.

“Her first instinct- though they were usually wrong- was to jump off the bridge.”

The second element I found helpful was element number fourteen, use the active voice. I once wrote a short story for a creative writing class and the teacher kept insisting I use the active voice. I had no idea what he was talking about, so I kept using the passive voice. I eventually got so frustrated that I refused to resubmit the story anymore. According to Strunk and White, this style of writing is more direct and vigorous. I am a direct and vigorous person, so I decided to try to understand it. What I learned is that the active voice leaves less room for misinterpretation. The active voice also creates a more powerful statement.

I didn’t agree with most of the rules involving commas, or I already knew them. I don’t think there should be rules for commas. To me, they should be used as a tool for expression.

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